Cruising Hints

Cruising Hints

It matters what line you choose – how well a cruise suits your personality can have a big impact on your overall onboard experience. Some lines attract fiercely loyal customers with a party vibe; others draw them in with a quieter, more sophisticated ambience.

Consider the Internet and alcohol packages before you board.
When Internet costs around 79 cents a minute and drinks are upwards of $8 – $10 each, a few minutes of web surfing here and a couple of cocktails there can really add up. Research the packages carefully before boarding — they may seem pricey, but you might end up saving money.

Don’t try to do everything on the daily calendar.
You’ll get a schedule each day of events happening on board, but if you try to participate in every little activity — from seminars to trivia contests — you might end up feeling overwhelmed. Pick and choose what you want to participate in.

Make reservations as soon as possible.
Book shore excursions and specialty restaurant reservations online prior to your trip, or as soon as you board. Spots fill up quickly! If you’re hoping to go to the spa on a day at sea, remember that this is the most popular time for bookings.

It’s normal to order multiple dishes at meals.
Want to try more than one entrée? Go for it. A few appetizers? Sure. They’re included in the price of your fare (except at some specialty restaurants).

Sit back and relax — you don’t have to plan much.
This is definitely a vacation for the easy going. It’s hard to see the downside of waking up in a new port each day without the hassle of planning how to get there.

The cruising experience is what you make of it.
The beauty of cruising is that you control the type of day you have, from quiet to active. If you prefer to sleep in and lounge at the pool, you can. But if you want to work out, get a facial, and attend a Broadway-style performance, that’s an option, too. Your schedule on board is totally flexible.