Women Traveling Alone

Traveling alone can be intimidating, especially if you are a woman. There are a few safety precautions you use at home but it is good to review them before you travel, whether to another city, take a cruise, or travel to other country. Being aware of your surroundings and planning ahead will go a long way to make your trip an enjoyable, safe one.

Make sure you have photocopies of any travel documents you need and keep them with you. It is also a good idea to make electronic copies of them and email them to yourself. The electronic copy ensures you have them even if you misplace the photocopies.

Traveling with a group is the safest way to travel. You don’t have to stay with the group for everything but if you are sightseeing, find a tour or several other like-minded women who can go together. There is safety in numbers.

It’s OK to talk to locals. If you don’t, you will loose the flavor of the area you are in. Men are OK to talk to, just pick the right man in the right situation. If there are others around or he is with a family, that’s fine.

In Europe if you look at someone in the face, they accept that as you are willing to talk. Wear shades and you don’t have to worry about it. If you don’t want to talk to them, tell them firmly NO and walk off. A wedding band is somewhat of a deterrent.

Act with confidence as if you are comfortable wherever you are. Protect your purse or wallet at all times. In a restaurant, hook the straps in the leg of your chair or keep your purse on your lap.

By using common sense, making good decisions, and above all else, having confidence in yourself and your ability to travel on your own, you’ll be rewarded with rich experiences ― and great stories to tell your friends.