Viking Danube Christmas Markets Cruise 2022

Prior to COVID, we had scheduled this cruise on the Danube from Budapest to Passau in December of 2020 with four other couples, Of course that got side lined, and over the next two years we lost two couples, so it was just the six of us going. Shot and Pam Shuler, Beth and Dennis Trammel, and us.

This was our second Christmas Markets river cruise. The first one we did in 2017 from Amsterdam to Basel Switzerland on the Rhine River. That was a fabulous experience, and we wanted to do the same thing on the Danube.

The river cruising experience is so laid back, with just 80 or so couples on the boat. It’s very easy to meet people and make new friends. Then there is gliding along the most iconic rivers of Europe with fine dining, superb service, on a beautiful boat. The Christmas Markets just make it that much more special.

As a starter, click to view a short video of the journey, then look at the details of each city along the Danube

So journey with us as we depart Budapest and sail upriver on the Danube towards Passau Germany on an eight day voyage of exploration and discovery.

Recording the Viking Theme

I came across this video from Viking cruises about recording a new theme for the Viking Cruise Lines. It happened at Abby Road studios, and so has a link back to the times when so many noteworthy albums were recorded in that space. It is a very interesting look inside the recording and mixing process. The video shows the immense amount of work and talent needed to transform the notes on paper to a finished, polished recording. Remember the musicians have not seen a note of this until the first run-through. Simply amazing. Take a look, I think you will find it fascinating.